
I’ve been looking until my eyes are tired
Listening until my ears are numb
Praying until my knees are sore from being on the floor

I know that You know that my heart is aching
Running out of tears and my will is breaking
I don’t think that I can carry the burden anymore

All of my hopes and my dreams and my best laid plans
Are slowly slipping through my folded hands

I’ve been walking through this world like I’m barely living
Buried in the doubt of this hole I’ve been digging
But You’re pulling me out and I’m breathing in the open air

This room is dark but I will be seeing
There’s a new ray of hope and I am believing
That the past is the past and the future will look brighter

Because all my hopes and dreams and my best laid plans
All are safe and secure when I place them in Your hands

So I’m gonna lay it down
I’m gonna learn to trust You now
What else can I do
Everything I am depends on You
And if the sun doesn't come back up
I know Your love will be enough
I’m gonna let it be, I’m gonna let it go
I’m gonna lay it down


green bean

happy birthday, little sister! love you lots!


never seen him perform before, except in church.

i finally got my chance when i decided to make full use of my half day off to the very end.

the pub upstairs was playing typical hot dance floor songs. in here, the music is much more peaceful and relaxing.


none of my business

i wish i could say that to you.

but i can't. not because i want you back.

i don't like the way you handle things. please, there are people around you.

i seriously hope and pray everything will turn out well. for you.

yo & zach

CDPC is a great place to meet many youngsters.

here's Yo enjoying her biscuit.

Zach is sitting beside her with the same biscuit in his hand.

Partly hidden in the rear is the adorable little guy featured in hush.


asia pacific team

some came and went, but we have been here for the past year or so.

small as it may seem, but it packs a punch.

L to R: susy, terry, weelee, elvi, adeline, song, chuong


lonely but beautiful

there is this whole stretch of road flanked by beautiful brown buildings, illuminated with custom-designed street lamps and some greenery with benches as featured in this picture.

it was raining, and i thought there will be no possibility of getting any photographs.

thank God it stopped and the wet ground added some aesthetic reflection effects to the images taken.

but why such a nicely-built place, and so deserted?

would having some people walking around make this place look livelier?

this is not a shopping mall; it is a goverment office complex. maybe that's why too many people don't come here.