i like Lego very much when i was a little child. a lot has changed since then, and when they launched this series not too long ago, i would go to the toy department just to admire them, because they look a lot like the 3D animation stuff i did.
though somewhat limited but like any Lego, it can be put together in different ways and when combined with its other siblings, other imaginative creatures will emerge.
time to start a bionicle collection?
i 'fused' the blue fella with the green one that i already have. what popped up was a four-legged- four-armed ...thing. =) come see it when you have time!
whoaw.. i am glad that you loved your prezzie. hehehe... mission accomplished! like what lern said:D
Boss, nice visual log you have here! Thanks for taking so many moments of church life in still-life :)
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