cast & crew

christmas is coming. and it's never too early to prepare.

here's my second attempt at cloning.


Anonymous said...

Cool lah! Very impressed with Kelvin too! I'm sure that CDPC Christmas 2007 will be fantastic!

~ Jules ~ said...

Hehe! First David, then Kelvin! Heave ho! Onto CHRISTMAS!!!

Sarah.... said...

This was excellent. I couldn't stop laughing!!! It's so well done, Wee Lee! And Kelvin did a great job too!

Anonymous said...

ya it's greatly done! ^^
looking forward to learn more from you in the ministry :D

Janice said...

I couldn't stop laughing. This is so great. I miss everyone so much! Great job Wee Lee & Kelvin.

Kelvin, i din know that you can act!